Having trouble settling your insurance claim? Don’t know what to do next? Need help?
Visit RAS at the In The Know Hub.

RAS provides free, independent and impartial assistance to help home owners to progress their repair or rebuild issues.
RAS is holding half hour sessions at the In The Know Hub, where you'll have the opportunity to meet with one of the RAS Independent Advisors - who are all qualified lawyers.
You will be able to:
- briefly discuss your situation
- hear how the service may be able to assist you
- ask questions about your rebuild or repair process.
And, if your situation requires more time and discussion a further appointment will be arranged.
When: 1pm-4pm, Thursdays 29 October, 12 and 26 November
How to book: These sessions are free but you will need to book an appointment by calling 0800 777 482 (appointments will be in 30 minute slots, starting on the hour and half hour)
Location: The In the Know Hub is situated in Eastgate Mall Shopping Centre (next to the foodcourt)